links have finally been added (in no particular order, mind you)! Check
'em, y'all:
- Ladybug: Just got mail
from the editor of this kick-ass 'zine, LuLu, and I was immediately
taken aback by allllllll the info and articles presented here. I bow
down! Bow! Bow! Check it out, kids.
- Real
Girls' Magazine: "The magazine for girls with better things
to do than their hair." GOOD STUFF! I checked them out tonight,
and these women have their shit together. A must-read!
- Genuine: In the words of
the editor, "For women who are changing the world and the way it
looks at and thinks about them." And that's the truth, kids!
Stirring: A Literary Collection:
Good, wide collection of online writers producing some pretty amazing
- Guerrilla Girls: One
of my favorite activist groups of all time. They've pulled off some
awesome, AWESOME stunts here in NYC, and they have lots of great info
on their site. (Note to any Guerrilla Girl who might be reading: I wanna
join! PLEASE!)
- Girls with Moxie:
a DIY gurl network for chicks diggin' email pen-pals, tape trading,
and much more.
- watrjournal:
Yo, I used to think that I bared my soul in my 'zine... that is, until
I read Laura's watrjournal! Very interesting and insightful... and giver
her a shout-out, she's baring her heart and soul to ya's.
- Abbagirl: Sarah's homepage,
and she's got a TON of great links to other womyn/grrl sites.
- gypsymystique:
A site put together by this chick Charice, who's a young writer on her
way to greatness. Check her out!
- Big Miss Moviola: This
is a fairly new site that's for women filmmakers... you gotta go there
to fully grasp their whole schtick, but the short story is it's a bid
movie chainletter site that's a KICK-ASS idea.
- rockgoddess: A great site
for info on the chick-rock scene in Chicago. Keep it together, grrlz!
- New Moon: Publishers who care
about girls and their power... for real!
- ladybug.org: "chaotic endeavour"
is the title of the site, and it's true. nonetheless, it's SO GROOVY,
dahlings. check it. (requires Internet Explorer.)
- phatgrrls.org: A new ezine
covering a lot of ground -- news, reviews, editorials, advice, features,
and beauty. Good stuff!
- Straight
from the pages of our guestbook, go check out Road
Rage 'Zine, put together by Love. Lots of interesting articles from
the "front lines!"
- As
recommended by a reader, check out GameGirlz.com!
Anybody who's site motto is "I am woman,
hear watch
me roar kick ass" has gotta be cool...
- Girl
Power Nonprofit empowerment project aimed at girls. Yeah!
- Action
Comix Led by the now almost infamous Sarah Dryer. Seems like everybody
out there knows her!!
Magazine Jammed packed with excellent music info, and much more.
- Riot
Grrrl Stuff Everything you ever need or wanted to know about the
riot grrrl movement.
- Riot
Grrrl The official (I think) site of RiotGrrrl magazine. There's
TONS of things to do here-- chat, gaming info, hilarious stuff, articles,
- SlantGirl
Totally awesome site about a young asian feminist.... very cool stuff.
- Grrowl
'Zine Kick ass sight with so much stuff, it's just plain unbelievable.
:-) Grrowl's got it together!
- The
Poptart Pages Brought to you by another seemingly famous Netgrrrl,
this site ROCKED MY WORLD. Okay, maybe I shouldn't go that far,
but you know what I mean.
- grrlPOWrr
Personal 'zine, with a journal, links, the 'zine itself, and oh-so-much-more!