From the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Color Purple to her most recent By the Light of My Father's Smile, Alice Walker continues to be an inspiration to all people. Her works, covering such topics as female genital mutilation to pornography to female sexuality, procure levels of emotional involvement that few contemporary writers can achieve. Find out more on Alice at: contemporary/alicew/
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deanna's update, 06/03/2001

ok, so, i haven't written any new articles lately, and i hope y'all forgive me for that. as always, i'm looking for submissions to supplement my own lack of inspiration... and i'm a pretty open person when it comes to submissions, so please feel free to drop me whatever and i'll generally post it.

otherwise... i've been really into doing my new online comic. it's a riot, and it's been my main creative outlet as of late. oh, i also came up with a tagline for the zine with the help of my friend Jerome, with whom i'm working on a series of short films (like everyone else in NYC). it was pretty funny, actually. i was telling him that at my job, i sort of like being a big fish in a little pond. and he goes, "did you just say, 'big bitch in a little pond?'"

and thus, a tagline is born. not rocket science, but funny. :-)

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